Friends Don’t Let Friends Skip Leg Day

Friends Don’t Let Friends Skip Leg Day

Leg DayClearly we need to introduce this guy to some lunges. Yes, leg workouts are taxing, but judging by this picture, they are oh so necessary. Don’t let yourself be afraid of next-day soreness! Leg workouts will help you build endurance, kick-start your metabolism and help your body look symmetrical if you’re looking for those giant arms and pecs. If you’re struggling to get through leg day, just remember that you’re ultimate fitness goal isn’t to look like a human light bulb.

Balancing Your Workouts

The key to looking good is balance. Your workouts shouldn’t be concentrated on a particular muscle for the week; your week should be balanced with all major muscle groups. The goal is to combine multiple muscles into one workout. Don’t isolate yourself! You’ll enjoy your workouts more and see better results if you change up your days and use different muscles.

Military Leg Workouts

To get your body’s foundation into shape, nothing will cut more than a military leg workout. This workout will get you more than just a pair of fine, beefy legs. Leg workouts will help you burn more calories and speed up your heart rate, making you healthy, strong and lean.

Warm-up with Jumping Jacks and Squats:

Jumping Jacks & Squats-10 each (repeat 5-10 times)


Repeat the following three times:

Squats-20 reps

Lunges- 10 per leg reps

Calves- 30 (toes in, toes out)

Bike or Jog- 5:00 minutes

Mix Jogging or Biking with Leg Exercises (repeat 4 times):

Jog ¼ mile or bike 2:00-3:00/stretch

Because leg workouts burn, do legs 2-3 times a week and give yourself 2-3 days in between leg workouts. Stretching afterwards will also help you feel less sore the next day.

Personal Training

To ensure that you’re getting the best workout for your body, consider hiring a personal trainer. Personal trainers help motivate their clients by setting realistic goals, guaranteeing a well-balanced workout. Cookie-cutter workouts don’t work for everybody. A personal trainer will map out a plan specific to your body type and lifestyle to help you obtain your perfect figure.


Although legs burn and you barely walk the following day, remember that you only get out of what you put in. Balance your workouts and imagine how fine you’ll look down the road.  Whatever you decide to do, just remember: don’t skip leg day.

By, Jessica Doucette